Become a franchisor
Future franchisor*? Network head?
3 main categories of network heads
Some figures: (source: 20th Annual Franchise Survey according to the French Franchise Federation and Banque Populaire – 2024).
- 32% of French people would like to create their own business and among them 43% are considering doing so as a franchise
- 84% of franchisors have opened at least one franchise point of sale in the last 12 months
- 11 points of sale opened on average under franchise
- Nearly 3 out of 4 brands are more than 15 years old
Why become a franchisor*?
*The term franchise is a generic term, covering all forms of organized commerce: franchise, license, concession, partnership, cooperative, etc.
Becoming a franchisor is an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs who want to expand their brand while limiting risks and investments:
- Rapid expansion of your brand
- Reduction of costs and risks
- Franchisee Motivation and Commitment
- Building brand awareness
- Access to a network of diverse talents
- Support and continuing training
- Company valuation
How much does it cost?
Our fees are the responsibility of the brand.

Our support

We support you in creating your toolbox through to the management and training of your first points of sale.
Franchise Project Framework
The right approach to launching a Franchise is to make a complete framework of the feasibility conditions of the project . Measure the strengths to rely on and the weaknesses to correct. Prepare an action plan with priorities and a schedule. Establish a provisional budget and estimate the necessary resources.
The objectives of this stage
Beyond verifying the feasibility of the franchise project, the framework allows:
Taking a picture of what exists: all the components of the concept, the know-how, the market context, the teams in place, are studied, i.e. more than 100 questions
Conduct the resulting SWOT analysis to identify strengths that can be built on and weaknesses that need to be addressed
Make a plan of priorities
Validate the decision to launch and assess the chances of success
Estimate the total project budget and return on investment and plan the necessary resources
Define an initial approach to the Franchise development strategy
Key questions in framing a franchise project (non-exhaustive list)
- What is the concept to franchise?
- What adaptations need to be made?
- Is the know-how complete, identified, described?
- What are the strengths of the concept to build on?
- What weaknesses should be corrected before starting?
- Is the concept duplicable and if so, in what network form?
- What will the legal form be: franchise, license, concession, etc.?
- What are the conditions for the success of the project?
- What would be the market entry strategy?
- What is the expected cost of launching a franchise?
- What are the objectives of the project?
The creation or restructuring of a Franchise network
First of all, we define all the operating rules of your Franchise and we formalize the tools of the future franchisor (contract, manual, etc.). Then we launch the communication and recruitment of the first franchisees who will be the ambassadors of the network. Finally, we structure all the functions of development, animation, training, and management of the network.
The objectives of this mission
Prepare yourself to become a franchisor in a few months: “The art of success is preparation.”
Assisting you with our experts, from A to Z from the Franchise modeling phase to the recruitment of the first franchisees
Gradually teaching you your new job as a franchisor
Recruit the first ambassador franchisees with a 100% success rate
Establishing the fundamentals of a franchise
- Training in the fundamentals of franchising
- Franchise modeling
- Legal Pack
- Manual Operating Coaching
- General State of the Market
- Developer Guide
Launch of franchisee recruitment
- Outsourced development
- Sectorization
- Franchise Communication Strategy
- Banking referencing
Support for franchisees and/or branches
- Guide Animator
- Facilitator Training
- Continuous training on management and KPI on the existing network